Newsletter - spam trap problem

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13 年 前
How to disable newsletter? I found few spam trap email address.
Can you suggest me an idea to solve this problem ?

many thanks

13 年 前
hi Michele,

what do you want to do - do you want remove the newsletter sign up box ?

    to remove the newsletter signup box, look in TwoColumn.master

or something else ?

- hayden
13 年 前
mmsoftware wrote:
How to disable newsletter? I found few spam trap email address.
Can you suggest me an idea to solve this problem ?

many thanks


1) If you want to remove "Newsletter Section" from your homepage,

then go to nopCommerceStore folder > masterpages > TwoColumn.master

find this code and comment it like this:

<!-- <nopCommerce:NewsLetterSubscriptionBoxControl runat="server" />
            <div class="clear"> -->

2) If you want to remove those spam e-mails from the newsletter subscription

Then go to your nopCommerce DATABASE.

Go to nop_NewsletterSubscription Table

you will see all the e-mail that subscribed for your newsletter, for those spam e-mails , in the "Active" column make it "False"  or you can just delete the rows with those spam e-mail addresses
13 年 前
The problem is automatic response to check a valid subscription. I cannot check original table after response delivered.
Newsletter is a good idea, but in my case is too critical. This is a advertising exposition problem.

Many thanks, for answer
13 年 前
abcd_12345 wrote:
mmsoftware wrote:
How to disable newsletter? I found few spam trap email address.
Can you suggest me an idea to solve this problem ?

many thanks


1) If you want to remove "Newsletter Section" from your homepage,

then go to nopCommerceStore folder > masterpages > TwoColumn.master

find this code and comment it like this:

<!-- <nopCommerce:NewsLetterSubscriptionBoxControl runat="server" />
            <div class="clear"> -->

2) If you want to remove those spam e-mails from the newsletter subscription

Then go to your nopCommerce DATABASE.

Go to nop_NewsletterSubscription Table

you will see all the e-mail that subscribed for your newsletter, for those spam e-mails , in the "Active" column make it "False"  or you can just delete the rows with those spam e-mail addresses

When I tried that cooment it blew up my page but this worked fine:

<!-- </div>
            <nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear"> -->
13 年 前
Ok, many thanks !!
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