version 4.0 - error on payment restrictions configuration

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6 年 前

I am new to nopCommerce. I downloaded and installed version 4.0 nopCommerce. While in configuration, under payment restrictions, I attempted to restrict all payment methods in all countries except US. When I clicked save, the system crashed and gave me the below error exception in 2017 Visual Studio Community.

The error occurred in the ApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs

Line: 81

The error message:  System.IO.InvalidDataException: 'Form value count limit 1024 exceeded.'

System.IO.InvalidDataException occurred
  Message=Form value count limit 1024 exceeded.
   at Nop.Web.Framework.Infrastructure.Extensions.ApplicationBuilderExtensions.<>c.<UseNopExceptionHandler>b__1_1(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\jimth_000\Source\repos\NopCommerce\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\Infrastructure\Extensions\ApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs:line 81
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddleware.<Invoke>d__6.MoveNext()

I tried checking off one column at a time. The error occurs after 4 columns are saved. Even after restarting the application this occurs. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the application several times and this error still occurs.

Can anyone please provide some guidance on why this happens and how to prevent this?

Thank you in advance.
Jim Thomas
6 年 前
Hi Jim,

We'll investigate it in the near time -
6 年 前
Getting this error on Version 4.0 when configuring payment restrictions for Braintree plugin to multiple countries.  Can do a few at a time.

6 年 前
Actually, hit a limit and couldn't even do one a time, with 5 installed payment plugins showing.  
(see here:

Uninstalled one payment method and was able to continue.
5 年 前
Done. Please see this commit for more details
5 年 前
Resolved Below Error:
The error message:  System.IO.InvalidDataException: 'Form value count limit 1024 exceeded.'

You have to create Filter Attribute. So create below Filter in Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Filters

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Filters
    public class RequestFormSizeLimitAttribute : Attribute, IAuthorizationFilter,IOrderedFilter
        private readonly FormOptions _formOptions;
        public RequestFormSizeLimitAttribute(int valueCountLimit)
            _formOptions = new FormOptions()
                ValueCountLimit = valueCountLimit
        public int Order { get; set; }
        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
            var features = context.HttpContext.Features;
            var formFeature = features.Get<IFormFeature>();
            if (formFeature == null || formFeature.Form == null)
                features.Set<IFormFeature>(new FormFeature(context.HttpContext.Request,

After create filter, Add this filter on "MethodRestrictionsSave" Method Like Below.

       [RequestFormSizeLimit(valueCountLimit: 2048)]
        [HttpPost, ActionName("MethodRestrictions")]
        public virtual IActionResult MethodRestrictionsSave(IFormCollection form)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManagePaymentMethods))
                return AccessDeniedView();
5 年 前

It's possible that Shipping/Restrictions have the same problem.

5 年 前
kava wrote:

It's possible that Shipping/Restrictions have the same problem.


Yes you're right, it's possible. We increase this count too. Please see this commit for more details. Thank you.
5 年 前
is there a way to risolve this bug for 4.0 ?
5 年 前
kava wrote:
is there a way to risolve this bug for 4.0 ?

Unfortunately the only way we could find for 4.0 is to change the global settings, as described here
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