Category Header Menu is Available

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12 年 前
joebloe wrote:
See if you can get it working in Casini or IIS express first?  These are the built in web servers in Visual Studio. Click on the web application (not the solution) and then press ctrl + F5.  This will build and run the application within Visual Studio.

Doing this first allows you to better debug your steps and not get publishing in the way.  Also, have you successfully installed nopCommerce without adding the header menu?  Make sure you can do this first as well.


I have stated in my earlier post that I did a successful install of nopcommerce first. When it was working properly that I did the modifications for header menu.
12 年 前
I had loads of problems getting this to work also, in the end I downloaded a new copy of the Source code for 1.90, then via MVS2010 I added the Code and Amend the files as per the Instructions and then FTP'ed the Entire Project to my Hosting Space and then did the Install, this seemed to then work fine.

I could not get this working following any other suggested method.

Regards Rob
12 年 前
@WhiteArrorw. No it doesn't.  I suppose I could put one together.  I am very familiar with the new code base.  Stay tuned.

@armitray.  Rob's answer is correct.  There are some helpful insights in this thread but the reality is that this addon is not that complicated.  The problem you are having is related to how you are implementing the new control.  Whether the control is a simple menu like this or a more advanced control like an ajax grid, the methods for adding the controls are all the same.
12 年 前
joe bloe, if you could that would be amazing!
12 年 前
Ok. Let me do what Rob suggested and see how it goes. I will modify all the files first and then publish the website. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
12 年 前
Thank you Rob. Your suggestion really worked. I had so much trouble getting it to work, though the instructions were simple to follow.

I think the situation is different for someone who is trying to get the menu to work in a local environment and for someone who is trying to get it to work on a remote server. What I have been trying to do was first get the installation to work on a remote server >> modify the files as instructed for the menu to work >> Rebuild the solution >> and then only ftping the modified files to the remote server.

There were no clear instructions as to which files to publish to the remote server after the rebuild which in my opinion must have been causing the problem.

What I now did is to modify the files as per instructions >> rebuilt >> published all files to the remote server >> installed nopcommerce. And that worked like a charm.

I am very grateful for all the support in getting the menu to work. Thanks everyone.
12 年 前
Just wanted to say that i had no trouble getting this to work on my local computer or my server.
12 年 前
amritray wrote:
Thank you Rob. Your suggestion really worked. I had so much trouble getting it to work, though the instructions were simple to follow.

I am very grateful for all the support in getting the menu to work. Thanks everyone.

Your Welcome, Glad it worked for you, as mentioned, I had lot's of issues getting it to work so I know how frustrating things can be at times.

Lot's of people on here will do everything they can to help, so just hang in there and at some point you will get a solution to most issues as you are not going to be the first person to have had the issue in 90% of cases.

12 年 前
I ws able to make it work in Nop 1.9, not only issue is if the category page we are on, is using product grid1 templete then the header menu hided behind the products, have attached the image for better understanding.

Any help would be much appriciated.

thanks all
12 年 前
That's a z-index issue in your style sheet.  I set the sub menu at z-index 99 when I put this together but that is only relative to the elements around it.  Your template you are using is probably not relative to the menu.  This forum is not really the place to explain z-index but I Googled z-index and there are hundreds of good quality explanations.

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