publishing it

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13 年 前
ok - dev is done and I am trying to publish the site.  All kinds of problems...  
I published it from Visual Studio 2008.  
The first problem is that it is saying I have a duplicate section in my web.config file.  Frustratingly, I do not have access to the server itself and I have to use the DotNetPanel control panel to do things.  So I am wondering if it changed my config file?
Has anyone seen this before?
Thank for any help...
13 年 前
I've used DotNetPanel lots of times with Nop and it does work fine.  If you change things in the controlpanel it will update the web.config depending on what options you select.  I would just manually upload your web.config from dev to your live site using FTP.

13 年 前
Thank you.  I just tried that and I am still getting the same error.  (I am new to Dot Net Panel - pardon the newbie responses)  Is there a way to see the whole file from that tiny edit box in the cpanel file manager?

Here is my error according to the cPanel:

Error: There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Interop.AppHostWritableAdminManager.GetAdminSection(String bstrSectionName, String bstrSectionPath)
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Configuration.GetSectionInternal(ConfigurationSection section, String sectionPath, String locationPath)
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Configuration.GetSection(String sectionPath, Type type)
at WebsitePanel.Providers.Web.Iis.DirectoryBrowse.DirectoryBrowseModuleService.GetDirectoryBrowseSettings(String siteId)
at WebsitePanel.Providers.Web.IIs70.FillVirtualDirectoryFromIISObject(WebVirtualDirectory virtualDir)
at WebsitePanel.Providers.Web.IIs70.GetSite(String siteId)
at WebsitePanel.Server.WebServer.GetSite(String siteId)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at WebsitePanel.Providers.Web.WebServer.GetSite(String siteId)
at WebsitePanel.EnterpriseServer.WebServerController.GetWebSite(Int32 siteItemId)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at WebsitePanel.EnterpriseServer.esWebServers.GetWebSite(Int32 siteItemId)
at WebsitePanel.Portal.WebSitesEditSite.BindWebSite()
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