How to access Resouce [or other] files in custom plugin class

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6 年 前
Hi, I'm new to nopcommerce.
I wan't to add some localization resources in Install method of my plugin and I want to read the resources from an XML file located in my plugin project. how can I access and read this files? how can i found the address? since I have no 'Server'!
totally how can i reach root folder of plugin inside plugin class isteslf.
pleeeeeaaaaaase help
6 年 前

You can use something like this,

For Installing resource string while install method :-

protected virtual void InstallLocaleResources()
            var language = _languageRepository.Table.Single(l => l.Name == "English");

            foreach (var filePath in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(_webHelper.MapPath("~/Plugins/PluginName/Localization/Installation"), "ResourceString.xml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                var localesXml = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                var localizationService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<ILocalizationService>();
                localizationService.ImportResourcesFromXml(language, localesXml);


For UnInstalling resource string while uninstall method :-

Use same function but instead of calling
to load the xml string into a XML DOM object.

Then loop through all the LocaleResource elements, and with their Name attribute,

After call the usual
plugin method which commonly use.
6 年 前
You can also embed your files into plugin's assembly if you do not want to distribute your files together with the DLL. MSDN has great tutorial how to do that:
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