Memory consumption per session

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13 年 前
Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out how much ram memory I'll need for a VPS hosting plan in which I'll host a nopcommerce site. I wonder if there is any kind of calculation about the memory consumed by single session in the e-commerce module. That would allow me to calculate the total ram required according the concurrent session that I estimate.

Thanks in advance.
13 年 前
Im a total novice.

I see a 150 mb footprint initally. occasionally followed by a 70Mb drop. Prorbably when the garbabge collection runs.

Thats with one user. when I have more metrics I'll be happy to share.
13 年 前
I run a Xeon E5520 @ 2.27Ghz 2.26 Ghz
1.00 GB RAM
64 bit OS 2008 server R2

20 GB hard drive.

Whilst this is enough to run a single installation comfortably on top of SQL server Express. I would humbly suggest going for more RAM than I have, it seems insufficient in the medium term at a guess, and for sure if this site was anything other than SMB.

Hope that helps
13 年 前

I have VPS hosting plan with 30GB HDD, 780MB of RAM. I am using Nopcommerce 1.8 and SQL Server Professional on the server. It runs out of memory on regular basis. I still need to analyse what actually causing memory usage but I rec that its SQL temp. Any comments on this would highly recommended ??

13 年 前
SQL Server will eat away what it can..There is a setting in SQL to limit this.
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