Tax vanishes when shipping is calculated.

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13 年 前
Hi! I am currently assisting a developer in configuring a shop. I have no experience or knowledge in whatever language this software uses, keep that in mind.

I have an 8.375% tax class assigned to every product in a specific category, and the tax works fine in the shopping cart and checkout. That is, until shipping is calculated, then it is set to $0.00 from then on in the order summary. Doesn't seem to matter what kind of shipping calculation is used. Free Shipping, Order Weight, and UPS' calculation all have the same effect. The end result is no tax charge for the buyer.

I won't be able to contact the developer for quite some time at the moment, so I can't edit code yet, sorry. if anyone has any idea how this can be corrected/circumvented, that would be appreciated. Thanks!
13 年 前
Oh yes, and before anyone mentions: I have checked customer roles and the products themselves to see if anyone is getting tax exemption. That is not the case. Eagerly awaiting a reply.
13 年 前
What is the tax based on in the tax settings page?

Administration->Configuration->Tax->Tax Settings
13 年 前
jockesoft wrote:
What is the tax based on in the tax settings page?

Administration->Configuration->Tax->Tax Settings

It is currently set to tax by Billing Address. Default country/state/zip is U.S. Oklahoma, with the ZIP code being an asterisk. I've tested the checkout using a local nearby address (ZIP 73099) and Mr. John "Default" Smith in New York. (ZIP 10021)

EDIT: Oh jeez, I must have had a momentary laspe of brain activity. Thank you very much jockesoft, it's fixed now.

EDIT2: Heeeyy, if anyone's still there that can help me with a smaller problem that would be excellent:

I have the payment option as manual credit card processing, but it won't accept any credit card number I put into it, even my own! What's causing this? Only changes I have made are the removal of AmericanExpress and Discover options, as the store does not accept those.

EDIT3: Also also.. I'm going to upgrade to 1.7 this weekend, and I would like to know if it has an "In-store Pickup" feature that does not charge shipping (Shop uses UPS live rates) and will not ask for payment options. Do I have to get the Dev to code that?
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