How to update homepage title only

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5 年 前

I have created a plugin and it loads correctly and shows up in my Local Plugins page. I have a Class1.cs file inside my plugin project. How do I make my plugin update only the homepage title tag?
5 年 前
I have a view for my plugin configure.cshtml and have this code:

    var Route=HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData;
    var controllerName = Route.Values["controller"].ToString();
    var actionName =Route.Values["action"].ToString();
    var isHomePage = false;
    if (controllerName == "Home" && actionName == "Index")
        isHomePage = true;
    Html.AddTitleParts("Welcome to the main page");

But it does not work.

Should I put this code elsewhere
5 年 前
Well, configure page is for administration, to set something which should be executed from PublicInfo.cshtml
Maybe first, you would be able to set any text in one of system widget zones, instead of removing any part of the page? Also have a look on NivoSlider plugin, which is available also with source code - you may learn from this how to make first steps as nopCommerce plugin developer.

5 年 前
I am able to output text on the page using the H1 but still unable to override the title tag. I can even get script tags to output using Html.AddScriptParts(). Here is my code:

@using Nop.Web.Framework.UI;
@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
@using Nop.Web.Extensions;
@using Nop.Core.Domain.Seo;
@using System.Web;
  Layout = "";
5 年 前
Would anyone be willing to help out? Thanks!
5 年 前
The view responsible for outputting the title tag is _Root.Head.cshtml.

Simply add an if statement in there which checks to see if the controller and action match the homepage.

If you don't want to edit the view then you'll have to find a way to override @Html.NopTitle() in your plugin. This is probably possible.
5 年 前
Yes, I need to know how to override it. I'm not making any changes to the root view.
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