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5 年 前

I am using nopcommerce 4.10. When I change the urls for facebook twitter through >Configuration > Genral Settings

it doesn't update them on my home page

5 年 前
can you please let us know which theme you are using ??

it could be possible that your theme has issue and it don't getting social icons URL from settings
5 年 前
Thanks Vipul I am using the Default Clean Theme
5 年 前
have you try to hard refresh by ctrl + F5 ?? if that not works

try to clear cache from nop admin and then check.
5 年 前
Did both am getting the same issue
5 年 前
Did both am getting the same issue
5 年 前
Did both am getting the same issue
5 年 前
wmorrogh wrote:
Did both am getting the same issue

It should work, did you have any customization ? or any third party theme or plugins installed ??
5 年 前
The only customization I made was configuring PayPal which was already installed
5 年 前
If you are using defaultClean theme then go to Nop.Web\Views\Shared\Components\SocialButtons\Default.cshtml

can you please verify that above file has code like below ??

@model SocialModel
<ul class="networks">
  @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.FacebookLink))
    <li class="facebook"><a href="@Model.FacebookLink" target="_blank">@T("Footer.FollowUs.Facebook")</a></li>
  @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.TwitterLink))
    <li class="twitter"><a href="@Model.TwitterLink" target="_blank">@T("Footer.FollowUs.Twitter")</a></li>
  @if (Model.NewsEnabled)
    <li class="rss"><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("NewsRSS", new {languageId = Model.WorkingLanguageId})">@T("Footer.FollowUs.RSS")</a></li>
  @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.YoutubeLink))
    <li class="youtube"><a href="@Model.YoutubeLink" target="_blank">@T("Footer.FollowUs.Youtube")</a></li>
  @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.GooglePlusLink))
    <li class="google-plus"><a href="@Model.GooglePlusLink" target="_blank">@T("Footer.FollowUs.GooglePlus")</a></li>

if its there then it should work.

FYI : I am talking about the social icon which is showing on footer
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