Display Item Length and Width on Product Pages From Shipping Info

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13 年 前
Please help.  Perhaps I overlooked some simple way...

I would like to display the shipping dimensions on the product description section (taken from the shipping info on the product variant and not by creating a specifications attribute for size).


Product Image
Product Name
Short Description
Shipping Dimensions

Thank you in advance for the guidance.  I am open to your suggestions.
13 年 前
This worked for me in the ProductInfo.ascx.cs page:

lDimensions.Text = Convert.ToString(product.ProductVariants[0].Width) + " x " + Convert.ToString(product.ProductVariants[0].Length);

If anyone has a cleaner way to code this... thanks.
13 年 前
how did you menged to display  ITEM LENGTH AND WIDTH ON PRODUCT PAGES FROM SHIPPING INFO in v1.9??
which file should i modify ?
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