Prices display different value for a registered user and guests

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5 年 前

I have a problem that my products show different price between a registered user and guest.
e.g if a product costs €10 without TAX and a tax is 10% it means tax is 1 which gives final price of €11
A registered user sees €11 and a guest sees €10 for the same product.

How do I make guests see correct price incl. Tax?
5 年 前
There could be many reason for this, such as Tax Exempt by role, or because Guest customer does not have address info (which may be used to calculate tax).

5 年 前
But I never seen an eshop before showing different prices for guest users because they dont have address. I think it is normal for guest to not have address.
5 年 前
I am not saying that it is. I am just saying it could. My answer to you really was: there could be many reasons why this is happening, depending on the settings of your stores. :)
5 年 前
Thanks for your reply and help.

Can you point to which settings do I need to change so that registered and guest always see the same price (which includes tax)?

5 年 前
Check here that no roles are tax exempt
And here in Advanced mode, specially in Tax Based On
5 年 前
Also, could happen if you have multiple currencies.
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