How do i add a drop down box to my manufacturer menu?

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13 年 前

Can anyone know how to add a drop down box to my manufacturer menu as there are too many on my front page as it

drag it down too long and not nice?

Kindly advised mi on this as the default nop template does not have the drop down box at all.


13 年 前
Add a drop down list to your page / control. Then in your code behind something like

foreach (var manufacturer in ManufacturerManager.GetAllManufacturers()) {
ddlManufacturers.Items.Add(new ListItem(manufacturer.Name, manufacturer.ManufacturerID.ToString()));

in your selected index changed event of the drop down list grab the selected id (int.parse(ddlManufacturers.SelectedItem.Value)) and construct your redirect url.

Hope that helps.
13 年 前

Sorry to trouble u again. Can i know where to find the path that u indicated. I can't find in anywhere. Is it located in my

style.css. If its yes, can u also tell mi its under which one. As i am very new to it cos its the first time i am doing it myself

and i am not internet savvy at all.

Thank you for ur patience.

Lost Mark
13 年 前
If you are not a developer you will struggle to do this - it is not just a case of changing CSS.

The module is /Modules/ManufacturerNavigation.ascx
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