Discount Help 1.8

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13 年 前

I would like to offer a buy one get one free type discount. We are going to be selling picture dvd's and would like to offer for every 4 dvd's you order you get one free. I am running version 1.8 and want to see how this can be done or if possible.

13 年 前

This is definately possible but nopcommerce can only come with standard features. Features like these has to be implemented, so you have to do it yourself or ask a developer like me ;) or ask nopcommerce team.

if you only sell dvd's then there is a simple way which is in ordersummary.ascx, you count for items in shopping cart and if they are 4 you show a message that the 5th one is free or something, this is only a basic standard approach.
13 年 前
Sorry, it is buy 3 and get 1 free. I don't know how to code or implement this. What would you charge to do this for me?

13 年 前
Sorry, it is buy 3 and get 1 free. I don't know how to code or implement this. What would you charge to do this for me?

13 年 前
Please send me an email at [email protected] with your nopcommerce version and your website if any so that I can have a look.


Pdesignz wrote:
Sorry, it is buy 3 and get 1 free. I don't know how to code or implement this. What would you charge to do this for me?

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