Error --- The file '/~TemplatesCategoriesProductsInGrid.ascx' does not exist.

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15 年 前
I have published the nopCommerce website to server with a Webhosting company.
The home page comes up ... but when I click on Categories -->Computers ... I get the following error message

The file '/~TemplatesCategoriesProductsInGrid.ascx' does not exist.

It looks like there is some sort of redirection going on here ... because the actual URL for Computers categories is
15 年 前
Another piece of information:

I pusblished the website as follows:

In VS2008 Build-->Publish Website  ... selected ftp site ...the published everything to wwwroot .... is this okay?
15 年 前
Go to admin area. Site structure -> Category templates. Click on "Products in Grid" template. Template path should be set to "~\Templates\Categories\ProductsInGrid.ascx"
15 年 前
Thanks that fixed the problem but I noticed that the wrong values were set for all the templates.
How are these values initially set?.
The thing is, that this worked fine  (with all the correct values) when I ran it through VS2008 on my local machine.
When I published the same code to a hosted website the locations got all messed up ... any idea why this happens? .... just means that everytime I publish the website I will need to modify these settings.
15 年 前
I guess that your "nopCommerce_createData.sql" script file was modified. It should have next lines

INSERT [dbo].[Nop_CategoryTemplate] ([CategoryTemplateId], [Name], [TemplatePath], [DisplayOrder], [CreatedOn], [UpdatedOn]) VALUES (1, N'Products in Lines', N'~\Templates\Categories\ProductsInLines.ascx', 1, CAST(0x00009AEE016985AF AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009B1F00C1A23C AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].[Nop_CategoryTemplate] ([CategoryTemplateId], [Name], [TemplatePath], [DisplayOrder], [CreatedOn], [UpdatedOn]) VALUES (3, N'Products in Grid', N'~\Templates\Categories\ProductsInGrid.ascx', 0, CAST(0x00009AEE01698E58 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009B1F00C19E43 AS DateTime))
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