Page Title Styling...

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13 年 前
Just wondering if someone can guide me to where i can edit the Page Title format...

currently it SiteName. Category...
I would like to change it so it displays Category | Site Title

Thanks in advance
13 年 前
1. Open \Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\SEO\SEOHelper.cs file
2. Find RenderTitle(Page page, string title, bool includeStoreNameInTitle, bool overwriteExisting) method
3. Replace title = SettingManager.StoreName + ". " + title with title = title + " | " + SettingManager.StoreName
4. Recompile the solution
13 年 前
Cheers Andrei,
Is there a way to do this in the "no-source" version?
13 年 前
taggedmedia wrote:
Is there a way to do this in the "no-source" version?

12 年 前

I am running nopCommerce version 1.90.  I don't seem to have a Libraries folder to make this separator change in SEOHelper.  Is there another location that where change needs to be made in 1.90?  The store is still putting a period (. ) after the store title/category, etc, and I need to change it.  I'm not receiving any errors either - I just need to know how to change the separator.

Please advise.

12 年 前
Configuration > Global Settings  . .  uncheck : Enable store name prefix
12 年 前
MikeMCSD wrote:
Configuration > Global Settings  . .  uncheck : Enable store name prefix

Thanks for the post. This removes the store title altogether.  I need to be able to keep the store title and add on to it much like the breadcrumbs do.  If the box is checked, that is the functionality I need - I just need to replace the period (. ) with something else...
12 年 前
Is there a plan to make this configurable from the admin section?  Most websites use the "page" | "website" format for page titles as the user is able to quickly differentiate between the Google results.
12 年 前
In Version 1.90: global settings> SEO/Display shows enable or disable "store name prefix" option. But in version 2.30 I unable to found this option and some other options. Please help.
Some other features are also missing from global settings. I also unable to found changing favicon option.
kindly guide me for page title styling in nopcommerce 2.30 store as well as blog and news archive.
12 年 前
kkurtz wrote:
Configuration > Global Settings  . .  uncheck : Enable store name prefix

Thanks for the post. This removes the store title altogether.  I need to be able to keep the store title and add on to it much like the breadcrumbs do.  If the box is checked, that is the functionality I need - I just need to replace the period (. ) with something else...

You have to change in SEOHElper.cs like this:

          if (includeStoreNameInTitle)
                title = title + "|" + IoC.Resolve<ISettingManager>().StoreName;
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