Secondary title or short description

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4 年 前
I want a secondary title or short description which shows under the main title.
with a lot of space for long text.

How can I do it guys?
4 年 前
Hello shahabset.

From your message is not clear what you are after.

"I want a secondary title or short description which shows under the main title."

Is it the title of catalog product items? Or the main product details page name/title? Or any page title throughout the site?

You have to provide more detailed explanation of your idea. On catalog pages and product details pages you can use the "short description" element as a secondary title.

/ Hristo
4 年 前
Hello and Thanks for your reply,

I mean "2-line title for product" which describes more about it.
4 年 前
You need to customise to do this
Either modify the code or make a plugin
I  am making a product extensions plugin where I can add a bunch of extra info about a product and display it on a new product template
4 年 前
shahabset wrote:
Hello and Thanks for your reply,

I mean "2-line title for product" which describes more about it.

Since you already have a short-description on the product page I assume you are talking about the products boxes.

You can add the same short-description to the product boxes by editing the _ProductBox.cshtml file. For example, you can add the following code under the product-title like so:

<h2 class="product-title">
   <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Product", new {SeName = Model.SeName})">@Model.Name</a>
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ShortDescription))
   <p class="product-box-short-description">@Model.ShortDescription</p>

This will show the product`s short-description in the product boxes, right under the product title. And you can use the product-short-description class to give it some custom styling if you like e.g.

.product-box-short-description {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

Hope this was helpful.

Best Regards,
4 年 前
4 年 前
The products' title are very long. In fact I need to show them everywhere like Home Page, Categories page, ...

I need to have 2 columns in each page so I could show each product in 1 column that has long title

Do U think Is it possible?
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