nopCommerce does not permit recurring charges against Paypal Standard?

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13 年 前

nopCommerce does not permit recurring charges against Paypal Standard?

For detail see this thread:

I was having issue getting "Paypal Standard" on checkout page Payment tab - turns out it was because the product was marked "Recurring Product"

I drilled down the code turns out there's a if-statement which is causing problem in CheckoutPaymentMethodControl.BindData... the if-statement blocks the proceeds if Cart.IsRecurring = true (which in turn is caused by Recurring product" under product page)

Stack as follows:

>  NopCommerceStore.DLL!NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.CheckoutPaymentMethodControl.BindData() Line 165  C#
  NopCommerceStore.DLL!NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.CheckoutPaymentMethodPage.Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) Line 52 + 0x10 bytes  C#
  [External Code]  
  NopCommerceStore.DLL!NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.BaseNopPage.OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) Line 80 + 0xb bytes  C#
13 年 前
No, PayPal Standard module doesn't support recurring payments
13 年 前
PayPal standard does support recurring payment and installment payments with the Enhanced Recurring Payments options (a $20/month upgrade).

Of particular interest to me would be installment payments where a customer can chose to pay for their cart items in monthly payments (like 4 payments of $25 rather than a one time $100 payment)

Has anyone implemented this sort of thing?
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