problem installing additional languages

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13 年 前

I just downloaded the latest version of nopcommerce, OK

Installed, OK

Compiled, OK

Run it, OK

Oh, its only in english, Download aditional language(, OK

Install additional language from administration -> localization... upload XML file, OK

I go to the public website, change the language and... anything it is in spanish! it seems that I'm seeing the resource keys, instead of the resource values. KO

Then I go back to the administration, I remove the spanish language, OK

I go to the american language, and I try to edit it, I put it in position 2. I receive an exception:

return _language;
Línea 382:
Línea 383:                throw new NopException("Languages could not be loaded");
Línea 384:            }
Línea 385:            set

Archivo de origen: C:\Users\Jesus\Desktop\nopCommerce_1.70_Source\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\NopContext.cs    Línea: 383

I tried to recompile, but now I receive this error all the time, no matter the page I load (default.aspx or whatever, it breaks).

Any idea?

13 年 前
It seems that you deleted or unpublished all your languages. Connect to your database and ensure that you have at least one published language there ([Nop_Lanaguage] table).
13 年 前
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
It seems that you deleted or unpublished all your languages. Connect to your database and ensure that you have at least one published language there ([Nop_Lanaguage] table).

That's right, thanks.
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