Hide Stock Quantity

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4 年 前

Is it possible to hide the stock quantity for guest?

So you have to login before seing our storage level on every items.
4 年 前
It's not possible with default nopCommerce. You need customization here.

StockAvailability = _productService.FormatStockMessage(product, "")
4 年 前
instead of customization in code, you can direct check current customer is guest or not in direct view page.

If current customer is guest then do not display stock quantity.
4 年 前
rajupaladiya is it something you can help me with?
4 年 前
[email protected] wrote:
rajupaladiya is it something you can help me with?

Here are changes which you need to in Views\Product\ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml.
(if you using theme then Themes/<YOURE_THEME_NAME>/Views\Product\ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml.)

Add this lines at starting point
@using Nop.Core
@using Nop.Core.Domain.Customers
@inject IWorkContext workContext

then replace line -  @await Html.PartialAsync("_Availability", Model) with
 @if (!workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsGuest())
              @await Html.PartialAsync("_Availability", Model)

Let me know if you get any issue, I'll happy to help you.
4 年 前
Thanks a lot. It worked.
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