hi I m in turkey.And the payment method in our country is diffrent from the others.And You know that My Payment MEthod Processor class must be implemented byIpaymentMethod.But I dont understand that Our Payment Processor does not support which methods.
This is our classic processor method.But how can i entegrate this method to nop commerce by using their implemented methods..
Protected Sub kksubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles kksubmit.Click
Dim mycc5pay As New ePayment.cc5payment()//it is just epayment dll
mycc5pay.host = "ADRES" ' //Url
mycc5pay.name = "KULLANICIADI" //Api user name
mycc5pay.password = "PAROLA"//Api password
mycc5pay.clientid = "MAGAZAID"Store id that the bank give us this
mycc5pay.orderresult = "0" if it is a test you use "1" or it is real ,you use "0"
mycc5pay.cardnumber = kknum.Text //card number
mycc5pay.expmonth = kkay.Text
mycc5pay.expyear = kkyil.Text
mycc5pay.cv2 = kkcvc.Text
mycc5pay.currency = 949//currency number
mycc5pay.chargetype = "Auth"
mycc5pay.ip = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") ip adress
mycc5pay.subtotal = kkmiktar.Text //The Costs
If kkcekim.SelectedItem.Value = 6 Then //if installment is 6
mycc5pay.taksit = "6"
ElseIf kkcekim.SelectedItem.Value = 12 Then //or 12
mycc5pay.taksit = "12"
End If
Dim bankresult As String = mycc5pay.processorder() ' //we call our function
Dim bankerror As String = mycc5pay.errmsg //return error message from the service
Dim bankOid As String = mycc5pay.oid // this is order id that returned
Dim bankAppr As String = mycc5pay.appr //the operation result that returned
Dim bankProv As String = mycc5pay.code //provision number
If bankresult = "1" Then
If bankaAppr = "Approved" Then ' //everything is ok
lblresult.Text = "Payment operation is succed"
ElseIf bankaAppr = "Declined" Then ' Payment operation is cancelled
lblresult.Text = "Payment method has refused by bank! : " & bankerror & ""
lblresult.Text = "An exception  : " & bankerror & ""
End If
lblresult.Text = "does not connect with the bank"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
lblresultText = ex.Message
End Try
End Sub

Help Me With this thank you...