Check out NopEasy Stock Manager - soon to be available for FREE

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13 年 前
Hi benfranklin,

Thank you for the reply the only reason i asked was that it only say's up to v1.8 on your site.

(Supported nopCommerce versions: 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80.)
13 年 前
You have to read down on the description... when I first started making the program 1.90 wasn't even out yet. But as soon as it came out I added support for it. If it wasn't for one change in the database I wouldn't have had to do anything for 1.90 to work, but sadly one of the image table's column name changed so I had to actually do some work...

Anyway, I released Version 1.1.1 to support Nopcommerce 1.90. I also added some features (some suggested by users) in that release as well. You just have to read down the page further to find this:

NEW with version 1.1.1

    Support for nopCommerce version 1.90
    Support for Category and Manufacturer pictures
    Products/Variants viewable by Product ID, SKU, or Name
    Products/Variants sortable A-Z or Z-A
    Products/Variants view is expandable for easier viewing of long product names. Scroll bar added to bottom of list as well.
12 年 前

I was waiting with expectation to see the software.

Is there any approximate release date?

Manuel Seromenho
12 年 前
Any news?
12 年 前
I had been working on other projects and hadn't had the time to finish this up. When I went back to it I decided to re-write the entire application so that it would support versions nopcommerce 1.30 through the latest one and also to add a bunch of features that I hadn't originally included in the first design. I'm right in the middle of working on this and I don't have a lot of time right now so it is slow going, but I hope to be able to release a beta version some time this month. It will have a completely different look and a lot of extra features.

You'll be able to:

Manage your stock
- stock quantity plus 12 other settings
Manage Categories and Manufacturers
- add/edit categories/manufactures
- quickly assign categories/manufactures to products
Manage Warehouses
- add/edit warehouses

There might be some other stuff that I throw in there... I'd like to make it as useful as possible.

If anyone has any features that they'd like to see added to it I'd love to hear suggestions... but try to keep it to ideas that relate to managing your stock - because it is called NopEasy Stock Manager ;)
12 年 前
Anything further on release? I am using 2.3
11 年 前
Any update on this?
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