Bulk Edit Products - Previously deleted variants are still listed.

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13 年 前

Initialy I created a product with several variants.  In this case it was a shirt with a variant that showed a photo for each color.

Later I deleted all the color specific variants and kept only one undefined variant with drop downs for color and size.

When attempting to do a Bulk Edit of the product all the variants active and deleted are still listed.  The deleted variants are not shown when editing the products individualy.

13 年 前
It looks to me like it gets all of the product variants with no determination on whether or not they are deleted.

I have a possible solution, but I have not tested it and don't know if it will work. It requires a rebuild of the solution.

In "BulkEditProducts.ascx.cs" (admin section under modules), put this code in the "protected List<ProductVariant> GetProductVariants()" method right before "return productVariants":

            foreach (ProductVariant pv in productVariants)
                if (pv.Deleted)

Not tested, but worth a shot.
13 年 前
Thanks Barry,

I just tested the code but it did not filter the previously deleted attributes.  Could a task be added to look at fixing this issue?

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