Please continue fork of 1.9 for continued maintenance (if you haven't already)

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13 年 前
Guys, as you're rewriting nopCommerce for 2.0 you would be doing a disservice for those of us on 1.9 if you don't keep that code branch alive for legacy maintenance. While we can all back up and improve up on 1.9, we should be able to share our fixes as we go, that's what open source is all about. As such, is this project effectively dead until 2.0 goes live?
13 年 前
As anyone can fork, I created a fork myself. Although, I'm not sure what contribs I'll make, if any. If anyone wants to contrib to the fork just let me know and I'll add your name to the contribs list.

To use the fork, clone from:
(EDIT: IGNORE THIS, see follow-up below)

Then execute this command from a command line:

hg up -r nopCommerce1.90

I'm not an expert at Mercurial so if anyone has any corrections to the process let me know. Thanks!
13 年 前
Come to think of it, while doing this I found that the v1.9 branch was still intact, as were previous major revisions, so this fork is not even necessary. If anyone wants to contribute changes to the v1.9 codebase they can execute the same command:

hg up -r nopCommerce1.90

Legacy maintenance changes can be proposed in isolated forks in this manner.

Derp. My bad. Deleted fork.

And to anyone who stumbled upon this and is completely lost, the CodePlex repository still has v1.90 as well as v1.80, etc. Just execute the command described in bold above from a command prompt (with TortoiseHG installed).

Standard Merc / CodePlex conventions likely apply. If you want to make contributions to a legacy version, create a fork here, clone from the fork, execute the command listed above, make the changes, commit the changes (Mercurial commit), then push (Mercurial push) the changes back to your fork, and if the core devs might want it in the mainline you can invoke the request pull command from your forks' list on CodePlex.
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