sliders not working on my store

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3 年 前
Why are Sliders not working on my Nopcommerce store?? It seems like when I install Nivo Slider or even QBO Slider, the banners can't move they instead display in exaggerated sizes and each displays individually not in a slider format. What do I do?? Nivo Slider was working fine until I installed LiveChat but when I deactivate it without uninstalling it, the problem continues! Might this plugin be the problem?? Please help, how do I handle this?? I have currently deactivated them all from my site but I need them badly.
3 年 前
Check the console (Right mouce click in Chrome and Inspect) to see if there is any script errors

If the problem started when you installed the Plugin then there is a good chance that is the issue
Maybe you need to delete the plugin and see if that fixes the problem
3 年 前
kiyembaarafat wrote:
Why are Sliders not working on my Nopcommerce store??

If not sharing URL, all here may only guess.
kiyembaarafat wrote:
Nivo Slider was working fine until I installed LiveChat

So plugin may be the reason. The most probably, adding some styles and scripts and making conflict with another part of the store.
kiyembaarafat wrote:
when I deactivate it without uninstalling it, the problem continues

The most probably, cache issue - clear cache would be solution.

3 年 前
Hello here,
This is the link to my nopcommerce site; I can't seem to be able to resolve the problem still! I'd be glad if you helped.
3 年 前
Yes there are some script errors
(index):1 Refused to apply style from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

When I try to open this file I get an error
HTTP Error 500.35 - ANCM Multiple In-Process Applications in same Process

Do you have this website running in the same Application Pool as another website ?
3 年 前
I don't really have any other website running on the same server (hosting account) as my nopcommerce if this is what you're asking for. I tried to set up a second store in Nopcommerce but it is not live and active as I didn't add the domain name/url. So, apparently there isn't another website, really!
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