installation problem

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14 年 前
Hi everybody
Im using windows vista and IIS 7.0.
I copy the folder NopCommerceStore in th path f:\Inetpu\wwwroot\NopCommerceStore and I nenamed it in NopStore.
In the control panel of IIS I selected the folder (NopStore) and I created a new application.

When I type on my browser htt://LocalHost/nopstore come out this error :
Errore HTTP 500.19 - Internal Server Error

Thx in advance
14 年 前
go into iis 7 administration and change the virtual app's pipe line from integrated to classic (aka iis 6).
14 年 前
I am still getting this error are there any other suggestions?

14 年 前
Ifound this site today and I like it immediately.

but I am in China, there is no Chinese Language Pack for V1.3.

how do I make a Chinese Language Extension and how to apply it to my site ?
14 年 前
Download the english language pack from

Then you can make changes to the resource strings like so:

  <LocaleResource Name="Account.AddBillingAddress">
    <Value>Add Billing Address (in your language)</Value>

Then go to Configuration > Location > Languages within nopCommerce. Add your language and upload your resources file.

Hope this helps,

14 年 前
OH, Thanks.
But where can I find the all resource strings List? or only can  I localize resource strings in this file? and I upload my localization resource file in which dir?
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