multi payment configuration

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3 年 前
I have multi store

Can I configure different configuration for each store.
And How can I get plugin configuration and settings in checkout controller user interface  ?

Thank you
3 年 前
Yes you can have different Configurations for each store
When configuring you need to use the Store Scope
Have a look at how is is done in Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard
From the Configure method...
//load settings for a chosen store scope
var storeScope = _storeContext.ActiveStoreScopeConfiguration;
var payPalStandardPaymentSettings = _settingService.LoadSetting<PayPalStandardPaymentSettings>(storeScope);

In the payment processor the settings related to the current store should be loaded in
        private readonly PayPalStandardPaymentSettings _payPalStandardPaymentSettings;
3 年 前
Yidna wrote:
...Have a look at how is is done in Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard...

Also notice tag <nop-override-store-checkbox> in \Views\Configure.cshtml
3 年 前
Thank you all.
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