NotMapped seem not run on v3.1

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3 年 前
I add this property to customer class but an error occour...
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'FullName'.'

        public virtual string FullName
                return (this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName).Trim();
3 年 前
You can use _customerService.GetCustomerFullName(customer)
or at least have a look at how it works
3 年 前
not sure if you mean nopCommerce v3.1 or Core v3.1, but in nop 4.2 there was PostConfigure method in Nop.Data\Mapping\NopEntityTypeConfiguration.cs :

        protected override void PostConfigure(EntityTypeBuilder<Customer> builder)
            builder.Ignore(customer=> customer.FullName);

I'm not sure how it's done in nop 4.3 yet, maybe someone else can chime in
3 年 前
possible help:
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