Recreate user and SearchEngineUser

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3 年 前
i using nopcommerce 4.30
3 days ago user ID 1 recreate without Email(Null) with same password and 2days ago user id 2.

yesterday user ID 2  recreate again

anytime i get a lot of log in nopcommerce panel

i searching for this problem, find this issue in nopcommerce github , but i don't know my problem is like this or no
3 年 前
Do you still face this problem, can you provide more details?
3 年 前
The problem persists.Unfortunately, there is no specific schedule.
Sometimes this problem occurs every day and sometimes once a month

i checked now user 2 in database( created on 2021.3.24 and user 3(builtin@background....) created on 2015.12.07.

I get these errors for about 1h And until the next series, this problem will be solved.
As far as I check, the first error always starts with the search engine user(

"Index was outside the bounds of the array."

"Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values."

"Cannot convert value 'False' to type 'System.DateTime'"

"Cannot convert value '13/01/1400 03:52:14 ب.ظ' to type 'System.Int32'"

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Log_Customer". The conflict occurred in database "db_new", table "dbo.Customer", column 'Id'.
The statement has been terminated"

"Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__Customer__ABACF0F7534D60F1'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping'. The duplicate key value is (1103882, 4).
The statement has been terminated"
2 年 前
today admin user(ID 1) recreate again without email address, but password not change.
i don't know how a user can registered and guest in same time :(
2 年 前
An admin must have edited the Customer and manually selected the Guest role (because I see in your image they also added roles Admin and Forum Moderator)
2 年 前
with admin panel can't set guest and registered because get error and not save.
this user is admin and first user with id 1, means The date of created is incorrect
after upgrading to version 4.30 I encountered this problem, users with ID 1 and 2 (search engine user) recreate again.
Every few months, the site encounters various errors for 1 hour and user 2 or 1 recreate again.
always errors start with search engine user.
This is the second time admin email has been deleted.
2 年 前
Don't think it's possible on a clean 4.30. Are you using third-party plugins or customizations?
Also, try to find in the logs the initial error that the problem starts with, is there a stack trace in details or at least a bit more information?
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