HTTP Error 500.0 - ASP.NET Core IIS hosting failure (in-process) - nopCommerce 4.50

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1 年 前
Facing HTTP Error 500.0 - ASP.NET Core IIS hosting failure (in-process) issue while hosting the application to IIS  server
1 年 前
You have setup the system and installed as per

Any errors in the Windows System Events Logs  ?
1 年 前
1. Yes, I have set up the project as per the documentation
2. yes, I found  2 errors in the event viewer
Failed to start application '/LM/W3SVC/7/ROOT', ErrorCode '0x8007023e'.
Application 'D:\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_4.50.4_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\bin\Debug\net6.0\' failed to start. Exception message:
The executable was not found at 'D:\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_4.50.4_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\bin\Debug\net6.0\.\Site.Web.exe'

1 年 前
"Site.Web.exe" ??

Something's not right in your config (IIS?)  If anything, it should be "Nop.Web.exe"
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