nopcommerce store project cannot find NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic

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13 年 前
I have inherrited a nopcommerce website and needed to amend one of the steps in the shopping cart. i noticed that i need to do this through the nopcommercestore project. i opened the project in visual studio and tried to compile it before i started work to check it was working correctly to begin with and i got build errors all in relation to missing assemblies, mainly NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.

"Error  1  The type or namespace name 'BusinessLogic' does not exist in the namespace 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"

now im not totally sure what dll is missing but if the site is functioning ok at the moment im sure its just me doing something incorrectly. can anyone help?
13 年 前
this main sound like a strange question, but are you using the source code or the precompiled site?

I thought I could work only on the precompiled site - you can but you are very limited to the changes you can make.
13 年 前
like i said i inherrited this site so im not totally sure. i thought it was pre-compiled the with project to build the dll for the shopping cart included (NopCommerceStore.csproj) which is what im compiling. bit new to this so i think its something ive just not seen before. should i have two versions of the site, one compiled and one not? im only using what i had on the server when i took over.
13 年 前
philis wrote:
like i said i inherrited this site so im not totally sure. i thought it was pre-compiled the with project to build the dll for the shopping cart included (NopCommerceStore.csproj) which is what im compiling. bit new to this so i think its something ive just not seen before. should i have two versions of the site, one compiled and one not? im only using what i had on the server when i took over.

You either have it with source code or no source code.

The source code will have folders:

The non-sourcecode will only have the contents of the NopCommerceStore folder, such as:

You mentioned that you are accessing it on the server, you don't mean the site in a live environment do you?  Typically there will be a folder where the source code is kept, and once and update is done/tested then the contents of the "NopCommerceStore" gets manually moved to the live server.
13 年 前
I guess this is the non-source i have. i downloaded the site that was on the live server to work on it locally before i deployed my changes. Basically all i want to do is add a textbox in the checkout asking the buyer if they have any special delivery requirements. couldn't see an option for it in the cms so thought id add it in myself. what would be the easiest way to do this? or are my hands tide? ill have a go at downloading the source code and compiling.
13 年 前
philis wrote:
I guess this is the non-source i have. i downloaded the site that was on the live server to work on it locally before i deployed my changes. Basically all i want to do is add a textbox in the checkout asking the buyer if they have any special delivery requirements. couldn't see an option for it in the cms so thought id add it in myself. what would be the easiest way to do this? or are my hands tide? ill have a go at downloading the source code and compiling.

What you need is called checkout attributes, I've added those to sites so clients could put a PO number on the orders if they wanted to.  Login to the admin page, menu Catalog>Attributes>Checkout Attributes

If you don't see that, what version of the store do you have? (it will be in the top right area of the admin page under your login name.)
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