Array of product images on Google search results

11 个月 前
Hello all,
I have a nopcommerce ver 4.1 store selling wood-fired ovens and barbecues to France. , the website is
When searching for "four a bois exterieur" in the results come as in the screenshot
Do you know what I have to do or install if there is any (a plugin) to appear in the search with an array of products (highlighted in green) instead of just one pic (highlighted in red)?

Many thanks in advance.
11 个月 前
I don't think there's a wat to really 'force it'.  You just need to follow google guidelines.   Thi smay interest you:
11 个月 前
after reading what you suggested, it occurred to me that the media settings we have under configuration might play some part in these results !? no ?
11 个月 前
I'm not an SEO expert, but I don't see in anything in the media settings (mostly sizes) that impacts SEO.