New to nopCommerce , i need to help on the Installation and Configuration

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1 年 前
Dear community,
I have downloaded nopCommerce_4.60.3_Source .
I have extracted to a folder with same name on desktop
I opened the folder with Vscode. Plz see attached Pic1

How can run the project and upload some products pics to test on my local windows 10 pc ?
I am totally new to nopcommerce.

thank you
1 年 前
I am getting this error , how to solved ?

1 年 前
Your error image does not work
That page doesn't exist - The requested page was not found.
1 年 前
I believe the image was deleted from server.

Please find below new link.

1 年 前
No issue anymore , Now my development env setup is working.

I installed FedEx plugin and I want to add to my development store.

How can I added?

1 年 前
hersi wrote:
...I installed FedEx plugin and I want to add to my development store.

Please post a new topic, and be more specific about what problems you are having
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