Brevo (sendinblue) plugin error message

11 个月 前
Unfortunately, there’s been an error, feel free to reach our support team. Error calling CreateAttribute: {"code":"invalid_parameter","message":"Incorrect formula. Please refer to read the formula"}

Is this an important message or just a notification?
11 个月 前
I am also seeing the same notification while saving configuration Sendinblue settings.
11 个月 前
Is there also an error message in the System Log?  If so, post entire message here (including the stack trace)
11 个月 前
sib_api_v3_sdk.Client.ApiException: Error calling CreateAttribute: {"code":"invalid_parameter","message":"Incorrect formula. Please refer to read the formula"}
   at sib_api_v3_sdk.Api.AttributesApi.CreateAttributeAsyncWithHttpInfo(String attributeCategory, String attributeName, CreateAttribute createAttribute)
   at sib_api_v3_sdk.Api.AttributesApi.CreateAttributeAsync(String attributeCategory, String attributeName, CreateAttribute createAttribute)
   at Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sendinblue.Services.SendinblueManager.CreateAttibutesAsync(IList`1 attributes)
11 个月 前
You will probably find a solution in this forum thread. Let me know if this is something else.
11 个月 前
I was using Nop4.4 and fixed the plugin by following the instructions in post.
Thank you.