Brevo/SendInBlue unsubscribe webhook

11 个月 前
I have been looking at the code and can see a webhook has been implemented for when a user unsubscribes within Brevo but I can't seem to get the webhook working.

I can see in RouteProvider.cs I think it should be

base on the code:
            endpointRouteBuilder.MapControllerRoute(SendinblueDefaults.UnsubscribeContactRoute, "Plugins/Sendinblue/UnsubscribeWebHook",
                new { controller = "Sendinblue", action = "UnsubscribeWebHook" });

but when I put this into Brevo as a webhook I get a "400 Bad request" response. The nopCommerce log doesn't have and additional information.

Can someone confirm the webhook URL is correct? Has anyone got this to work before?
11 个月 前
What happens if you just navigate to that URL in the browser?
11 个月 前
I get a 405 error, I assume that it will be expecting a POST and not a GET
11 个月 前
Yes, true. (But I think it means that at least that the route is valid)
Do you have Postman?
11 个月 前
I have, but I don't know what data is expected
11 个月 前
Thanks for the info. We'll fix this soon, here is a work item to follow.
Btw, what version of the plugin?
11 个月 前
I am on nopCommerce 4.5.2 and plugin version 3.38