Updating NopCommerce when using source code

1 年 前
Hello all,

I want to upgrade NopCommerce from 4.50 to 4.60.

I use the .net source code, which I develop locally, then build and publish to my production webserver.

Following this guide:


... I see it states that once I've backed up appsettings.json and plugins.json, I should then delete anything else in App_Data, and then "Upload the new site files".

This is a little contentious to me; should I be downloading the latest source code files and just copy them over the top of the existing source code files? I assume this will result in quite a lot of overwriting, but also some old redundant files which are no longer used in 4.60.  

Is this correct and OK? Or should I be taking a different approach?

1 年 前
Also, I notice that the release notes for 4.60 state:

requires Visual Studio 2022 (17.4.0) or above

However, I use Visual Studio Code 1.78.2 - will this still be OK?
1 年 前
michaeldrayson wrote:

This is a little contentious to me; should I be downloading the latest source code files and just copy them over the top of the existing source code files? I assume this will result in quite a lot of overwriting, but also some old redundant files which are no longer used in 4.60.  
Is this correct and OK? Or should I be taking a different approach?

I would be starting with a new directory. Copy in the new v4.6 website files.
Minus the .json config files
Setup IIS and Directory Permissions
Then I run an Install to create a new test database and check everything works
Setup the App Settings and test
Then I will change the connection string to point to the old database
Install the plugins required (noting they need to be compatible with v4.6)

The good things is you can maintain you old system running while you upgrade
Ideally have a subdomain setup to test the new system as a staging site
When it is all ready to go swap the domains
1 年 前
Checking this post seems they had problems with Visual Studio Code
See https://www.nopcommerce.com/en/boards/topic/97152/missing-plugins-when-building-with-visual-studio-code
Others recommended they use Visual Studio
11 个月 前
Yidna wrote:

This is a little contentious to me; should I be downloading the latest source code files and just copy them over the top of the existing source code files? I assume this will result in quite a lot of overwriting, but also some old redundant files which are no longer used in 4.60.  
Is this correct and OK? Or should I be taking a different approach?
I would be starting with a new directory. Copy in the new v4.6 website files.
Minus the .json config files
Setup IIS and Directory Permissions
Then I run an Install to create a new test database and check everything works
Setup the App Settings and test
Then I will change the connection string to point to the old database
Install the plugins required (noting they need to be compatible with v4.6)

The good things is you can maintain you old system running while you upgrade
Ideally have a subdomain setup to test the new system as a staging site
When it is all ready to go swap the domains

I'm facing the same scenario, and my Nop version is 4.20. I saw in the documentation that it needs to be version over version. It's OK!
But I have custom plugins that will probably have to be adapted for 4.30 and beyond. I just want to check if this is the way.
11 个月 前
Not sure what you are asking ?
The plugins would just need to be changed to work with the final version i.e. v4.6

Also depening on what the plugin does, sometimes it maybe easier to take a current v4.6 plugin and use it as a base to build a new plugin adding in the the old modifications from v4.3 rather than upgrade the v4.3 plugin.