Two widgets in same zone

11 个月 前
Hi, i was looking to the Home View of Nop first time run project and found this line of code about the widgets:

        @await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = PublicWidgetZones.HomepageTop })

What i understand is that Nop will look at all plugins / widget that have the "PublicWidgetZones.HomepageTop" set in the "GetWidgetZonesAsync" method inside "MyWidget"Plugin.cs file.

I was wondering what happens if we have two widgets with the same WidgetZone set. Will Nop render the two widgets or the first one only ?
11 个月 前
The widget renders itself so both will be displayed
Dont know if the Display order will order them
11 个月 前
Yep, widgets will be ordered by their Display Order.