Transfering from webmatrix/iis express to IIS 7.5 and SQL2008 - new site timing out

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13 年 前

I recently got my first nopCommerce store up and running locally on my PC and I now want to transfer it to my Windows SBS 2011 server which is running IIS 7.5 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

I have created a new webbsite in IIS and uploaded the files to it and also created a new DB and imported my tables and data but my problem is that when I try to browse to the homepage, it takes a very long time and then times out and I cant see why.

Is there a guide or list off settings I should be using or does anyone have any ideas on how I can atleast find out why this is happening - I'm stuck!

Thanks in advance,

13 年 前
Did you change the database server IP / name in the connection string?

Sounds like it is attempting to hit a box that does not exist on that network.

13 年 前
Hi Andrew,

Yes I changed it to:

    <add name="NopSqlConnection" connectionString="Data Source=MYSERVER\MSSQL;Initial Catalog=TPATK;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=xxxxx;Password=xxxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=120" />

Does this look right for that type of DB?
13 年 前
Well, is that info in your connection string correct? Is your database on a named instance? I would get rid of the timeout attribute. Do not want to set a limit on that.

Are you receiving a specific error?

13 年 前
Yes I think its a named instance - how can I confirm?

I am getting no error other than the time out, even if I browse from the server it's self.
13 年 前
You must know that information, how else would you know how to connect if you do not know where your database is located. Where did you create the other database? You need to know that server name, and the instance name, if there is one.

Is what you posted here, the exact text that you are using as your connection string? Or did you change it just to hide the real text.

You do not have to name the default instance name.

13 年 前

I altered the connection string from when it was on my local dev machine - which I can now see was wrong.

I used the connection string editor in IIS and built it from scratch and it's now working.

Thanks for your help Andy - my brain was getting dead!

It's 23:45 here in the UK so time for some zzz's

Thanks again,

13 年 前
I have not heard of, nor seen any kind of Editor in IIS.

I keep things simple, and perform all tasks manually. That way I know that the correct file was modified.

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