PayPal Subscription for Vendors

9 个月 前
Hi, I would like to set up a subcription payment method for Vendors on my eMarketplace. I have already created a subscription plan on PayPal and have a code to it and the button, but I cannot find how to do this on the NopCommerce site. The idea is the Vendors need to pay monthly fee to get access to my Website.
The only way I found so far is to set up it as a standard product, but I would like to have it for Vendors only when they register their account.
Any idea how I can do this?
9 个月 前
Customer Roles have a field: "Purchased with product"
A customer is added to this customer role once a specified product is purchased (paid). Please note that in case of refund or order cancellation you have to manually remove a customer from this role.

But, there is no automatic way to "purchase a product" when a Vendor role is assigned.

For the Product, you can "have it for Vendors only" by using the "Customer roles" field on the product, but note "Ignore ACL rules" setting:
Choose one or several customer roles i.e. administrators, vendors, guests, who will be able to see this product in catalog. If you don't need this option just leave this field empty. In order to use this functionality, you have to disable the following setting: Configuration > Settings > Catalog > Ignore ACL rules (sitewide).

I'd think your vendors would still need to enter payment information and thus place an order anyway.  They will just need to manually add the product to their cart.
9 个月 前
Hi, thanks for your reply. I created a separate product named Subcription and Vendors will need to "buy" it by adding to the Cart. Hope it will work with PayPal subcritption. Agata
9 个月 前
Are you planning to use recurring payments i.e. monthly payment for the same order
If so which Paypal Payment pluign are you using because in the nopCommerce PayPal Commerce plugin Recurring payments are not currently supported
9 个月 前
Hi Yidna, thanks for your reply.
The idea is that to be able to sell on my Website (eMarketplace) a Vendor need to pay a monthly fee. I thought I would link them to the PayPal Subscription plan and that's it.
I have Payments.PayPalCommerce set up, and just seen the recurring payments are not supported indeed.
Would there be any other way to set this up?  Link the Vendors to the PayPal Subscription plan?
Thanks, Agata