Installation Error

8 个月 前
I have installed my nopcommece project on live and it has sucessfully created a database but I am not able to access it , i am facing connection string  issue .Please help me to fix it !
8 个月 前
preet125 wrote:
i am facing connection string  issue

Is the website running correctly ?
What do you mean connection issue ?
How are you trying to access the database ?
8 个月 前
I am getting this after I installed my project.
We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please try clicking your browsers 'back' button or try reloading the home page.

If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.

Thank you for your patience.
8 个月 前
Turn on Stdout error logging or check the system event logs
5 个月 前
It it has sucessfully created a database, that means it can connect to the database. Unless something is changed later.