Lazy Loading On Catalog Pages Stopped Working

1 个月 前
Lazy loading products on the catalog pages used to work, but at some point it stopped working and now uses paging. We aren't sure what caused this behavior. Is there a setting that can be changed?

What may have caused this and more importantly how do we get products to lazy load again instead of using pagination?

Thanks in advance!
1 个月 前
Do you mean lazy loading or ajax loading? Is "Use AJAX products loading" enabled in admin area > configuration > catalog settings?

What theme are you using?
1 个月 前
Also, what version of nopCommerce are you using?
1 个月 前
a.m. wrote:
Do you mean lazy loading or ajax loading? Is "Use AJAX products loading" enabled in admin area > configuration > catalog settings?

What theme are you using?

I checked for that setting, but it doesn't appear to be there. I checked in all settings and the only setting related to that is "catalogsettings.useajaxloadmenu" and "catalogsettings.ajaxprocessattributechange" but they are both set to true.

We are using a custom theme by a company called Foremost Media.
1 个月 前
New York wrote:
Also, what version of nopCommerce are you using?

Version 4.3
1 个月 前
The lazy loading seems to work on some sub category pages. The url get's updated to something like this:

The regular url has lazy loading as well.

But on other categories there is the paging instead. Like this page for example:

And when I say lazy loading I mean there is a spinner animation and then the products continue to load as you scroll.
1 个月 前
I think nopCommerce does not have lazy loading(no pagination and load products on scroll) of the product out of the box and as I can see you are using NopTemplates Ajax Filter plugin so you can contact their support to report this.

Best Regards,
1 个月 前
The "Infinite Scrolling" is provided by a NopTemplates  plugin.
Maybe a setting here will help you.

Otherwise, contact their support.