We have searched and read all over this forum and a few others and think we got a good gist of what we are about to do.  Just looking for a confirmation that we are on the right track.

Currently our nopcommerce is on a "dummy" site and will be directing it to the main domain as soon as everything is inputted.  Right now to get to our site you go to test.eccolights.com/nopcommerce   we want to put nopcommerce into "root" so once we have the domain pointing back we wont have to do the /nopcommerce thing.  I know it's probably not a big deal but I would think for SEO reasons having it at root would be the best.

So from what we have read is all we should have to do is "move" the nopcommerce directory to root and that's it?  Everything should reference correctly from there?  Right?   In our FTP right now from root that is a folder for nopcommerce, so all we need to do is move everything up one level?  Could someone confirm this?  

Also, being with GoDaddy we have version 1.6 and will be upgrading over to 1.9 as well.  Double checked with them and they do support the correct ASP 4.0 and SQL needed as well.  Now for this one it looks like the best way is to upgrade as follows:  1.7 - 1.8 and finally 1.9?   We did see that someone did upgrade from 1.6 directly to 1.9 with no issues, what do you guys recommend?  And not begin a expert at all we are confused as to "how" exactly to do the upgrade...do we just upload the "upgrade" files with our FTP and execute the script from there or what?  

Any help would be great!  We did backup the database already and just looking to clarify these things before we take the plunge =)  


Rob and Troy
Ecco Lights