Bronto Email Marketing Integration

Bronto Email Marketing Integration
Allows for integrating nopCommerce with Oracle's Bronto Email Marketing Software
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 4.40
创建于 八月 21,2021
最后更新: 八月 21,2021
This plugin allows for integration with Oracle Bronto to allow for adding users to marketing lists, and keeping track of users and cart information.


  • Allows for integration with Bronto Script Manager to keep customer data synced.
  • Adds and removes users from the list based on newsletter subs/unsubs.
Requirements: To use this plugin, you'll need to have an account with Bronto set up, which entails a few things:
  • You must have an account with Bronto to get the appropriate information to use the plugin.
  • The server you are using to communicate with Bronto must be whitelisted by Bronto to allow for newsletter user integration.
Links: Source code on Github
Raise any issues with the plugin here