CDEK (СДЭК) shipping rate computation plugin

CDEK (СДЭК) shipping rate computation plugin
5.0 2
Shipping rate computation plugin
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 4.20
创建于 十二月 25,2015
最后更新: 二月 15,2021

This plugin calculates CDEK shipping rates using their API interface (you need to get API key).

It also contains CDEK map widget (uses yandex maps). Widget can be disabled - then customer will see the default prices list.

Shipping rates are shown only for russian customers because of russian interface.

Additional price calculation options are:

  • courier will take goods or you will ship them to warehouse yourself;
  • fixed additional price;
  • percent of payment service;
  • insurance percent;
  • yandex maps api key (if you wish to use your own).

Shipped orders states are updated automatically using plugin scheduled task.

You can check a working example at this shop.

lylyt 2019/3/23 上午2:17
версия 3,9
Будет работать в версии 3,9?
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sdavkov 2016/3/10 下午3:07
Плагин показывает карту с пунктами выдачи заказов?
这个评价是否有帮助? 0 / 0
Теперь да.