Display Reward Points Plugin

Display Reward Points Plugin
4.0 2
Display reward points on product detail page that the customer will gain on buying the product. This simple plugin makes it easy for you to promote shopping on your store.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10
创建于 三月 19,2017
最后更新: 二月 16,2023

nopCommerce Display Reward Points Plugin

nopcommerce Display Reward Points Plugin by xcellence-it

Display Reward Points For each product

plugin feedback

The Display Reward Points Plugin provides functionality for displaying reward points on product detail page that the customer will gain on buying the product. You can change location of displaying reward points via changing CSS selector and you can also change content and design of displaying reward points from plug-in configure page.

It is a FREE plugin....

Plugin is available in us-english. If you need this plugin in your own language or if you need more features, you can always write to us.

View plug-in version history and user manual

Display Reward Points Plugin

Display Reward Points Plugin Features

General Features

  • Display reward points on product detail page
  • Automatically calculates reward points for products as per configuration of reward point
  • Customizable CSS selector for the display reward points
  • Customizable content and design of display reward points
  • Multi-store Supported
  • Open to enhance Display Reward Points plug-in with other features, please suggest.

Installing Plugin

Download plugin object code and put it at your /Plugins folder then follow nopCommerce standard plugin installation procedure to install plugin. Display Reward Points Plugin is available under “Promotions” group on local plugins page. Once Plugin is installed go to your nopCommerce admin panel, and go to Configuration > Plugins > Local Plugins > Display Reward Points . It will ask you to enter your license key, enter license key which you received on your registered email after purchasing this plugin from our website.

You may need to give read/write permission's to IIS user's on server where you deploy/host your website to install this plugin.

How to use Display Reward Points Plugin

  • After installing this plugin, You need to enable and configure reward point from Configuration > Settings > Reward Points and also configure plugin from Configuration > Plugins > Local Plugins > Display Reward Points. Once configured it will automatically display Reward Points on product detail page. For brief intro on how to configure please look at plugin configuration page.
Mariana Ríos Z 2021/3/5 下午12:23
Upgrade to 4.30
Are you planning to upgrade this plugin to 4.30 version?
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TrumaxX 2018/4/30 上午11:10
Does not work for Grouped products
Works for simple products but not for grouped (multiple variant) products.
这个评价是否有帮助? 0 / 0
Thank you for sharing that. We will check and fix the issue you reported. Thank you once again for using the plugin.