GDPR Plugin

GDPR Plugin
3.5 8
The new version of GDPR plugin makes standard nopCommerce based e-commerce application General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. GDPR impacts virtually every company that’s either based in Europe, or has customers in Europe.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 3.90, 4.00
创建于 二月 05,2018
最后更新: 一月 29,2020

The new version of GDPR plugin makes standard nopCommerce based e-commerce application General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. GDPR is the European Union’s new data privacy law which affects collecting and handling personal data of the customers. GDPR impacts virtually every company that’s either based in Europe, or has customers in Europe. This is especially important if you're using your customers’ data for purposes beyond simply informing them about their orders, like for marketing or advertising.

-Download personal info as PDF including addresses
-Multi languages on request
-Ability to add custom field on registration page
-Notifications about edited consent via email received by admin and user
-Improved User search in "Delete user section" for better performance

davidwaller 2018/8/8 上午7:53
Breaks user account options
This plugin looks to have promise but breaks customer options so they are no longer shown which is causing one client a headache.

Disabling the plugin has no effect and the only way I've s far found to re-enable options is to remove the plugin altogether.

Product support response is poor.
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tymas02 2018/7/5 上午8:02
Hide customer items in customers tabs
Hi! I find your plugin very helpfull, but I have a problem. I cant hide some links like orders, addresses form the users details tabs. The plugin ovewrites I think CustomerModelFactory where I remove them, in order to hide them. Any clues on how to fix it? Thank you!
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nclamb 2018/5/26 上午3:37
Great plugin.... but
Great plugin, really has helped me over the last week to make my side GDPR compliant. I do have an issue with this on the checkout process, has I use the default One page checkout, this breaks the page, do you have any suggestions on a fix?

Thanks again
这个评价是否有帮助? 2 / 0
Zyje_sobie 2018/5/23 上午10:59
It's almost great... but...
1. In order checkout "Consent" is a same string for title and th, so when you translate one, you can't change another…

2/ Consent should have option obligatory / or not. Like accept Terms etc.

3. Plugin don't support nopcommerce widget zone. :( We have at first consent not on the end making order there where we have checkbox with terms… It's not configurable by admin panel :(  so all our pages where GDPR are working crash our css, logic etc. :/

4. We really confused how it's works :/ no control by plugin, which text where is showing, so it's really hard to use this…

5. It's bad there are no any other GDPR plugin :/ We glad to pay by something more flexible… but i'm afraid it's the only one for 4.0 :(

6. There are no option to hide until we will rdy consent on order page.

To be honest it's almost great... but by cut admin panel/widget zone / and more flexible support by panel... this is really hard without change html/css etc. :/
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MoranBndd 2018/5/23 上午4:43
Historical Data
1. I cant see nothing in the "Consent history" for the customers that have registered before I installed the plugin. Should I update the data for registered customers through the DB?
2. Can I decide which connects can be updated? for example, I don't want my customer to edit privacy policy consent
3. how the customer can restore his account with the token?

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Thanks for your comments. Here are the replies to your questions :
1.  The consent history data will only be shown for those consents which are entered after the plugin is in use, Yes you can update the previous consent data directly in the database
2. Yes, you can. You can do it in Admin. However, you should keep privacy policy separate. It is not actually a consent. Users should accept the Privacy Policy before their information is saved in the system
3. Admin can restore the account. there is an option in Admin>GDPR>Reactivate User.
BostonEDIGuy 2018/5/15 上午7:32
Not working on install V4.0
I am getting a message that the
"No descriptor file is found. It should be in the root of the archive." Can you please correct this and let me know when it is corrected?
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Could you please share the URL of your website? Please send it to [email protected]
stevenewton99 2018/5/14 上午7:24
Excellent Plugin, but disappointed with support.
The plugin is very good, but after spotting that you can't translate the consent statements to other languages, your team tell me they are willing to help me at additional cost.  This is clearly an oversight, given its out of the box functionality for Nopcommerce and everything else in your plugin can be translated as expected.
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Kahuna79 2018/4/30 上午11:33
GDPR - Customer CUSTOM attribute
first of all this is a great plugin.
I have a problem using version 3.90: once the plugin is installed the custom customer attributes disappear from "registration page" and "customer info page".

In my case, for example, I need a custom attribute "Tax code" (as mandatory field); when i go to the registration page I cant see the field but when I try to save the system warn that Tax Code field is empty.

Any suggestion?
Thank you.
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We will be happy to assist you with the installation and configuration of the plug-in. Please contact us at [email protected] and we will provide solution to your problem.
- for Tmotions Global Ltd