Helpdesk Ticket Plugin by nopStation

Helpdesk Ticket Plugin by nopStation
Helpdesk Ticket Plugin is developed to provide ticket creation and management for product, order issues on nopCommerce based online stores.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
创建于 七月 17,2021
最后更新: 五月 17,2024

A customer helpdesk or support systems are essential for the day-to-day operations of any online business or e-commerce. A customer support system can help increase usability and help your business provide better service to your customer base. The facility to manage customer support efficiently can help your business increase customer retention, sales, and profits.

Helpdesk plugin for nopCommerce

If you want to enable customer support services on your nopCommerce-based business, then nopStation is here with its Helpdesk Ticket plugin. This helpdesk plugin is part of nopStation’s ultimate plugin collection. This plugin lets you help customers with their issues on your nopCommerce store with a helpful ticket-based communication and support system. Customers can easily create tickets from the public store, and you can handle their queries from the admin side, create and set up different departments, each with their email, for better organization, and assign staff. This lets you implement a powerful help desk on your online store with a few easy steps to help you ensure customer satisfaction.

  • Manage tickets from the public store (My tickets page) and also from the admin area (staff and admin)
  • Create as many departments as you need, e.g - support, sales, etc. Each department has its own email address
  • Specify whether an attribute is required to create a ticket and responses to be filterable only by staff or customer.
  • Create as many staffs as you need and can add default staff
  • Category wise tickets can be created e.g - OrderId, ProductId
  • Can set priority and status with a default value or can be set while ticket creating
  • Customers can send replies and responses can be sent from the admin area.

Stop waiting and give your customers the support they need with nopStation’s Helpdesk Ticket plugin. Have a look at one of nopStatin's other customer support plugins, Ultimate FAQ as well.

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