Instamojo Payment

Instamojo Payment
4.0 3
This payment module allows you to integrate with Instamojo. It allows you to accept online payments from your customers.
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支持的版本: 4.40, 4.50, 4.60
创建于 二月 08,2022
最后更新: 三月 15,2023
Instamojo Supported Version:4.40, 4.50,4.60.


Instamojo is India's simplest online selling platform. We power small, independent businesses, MSMEs & startups with online stores and online payment solutions. Instamojo is at the forefront of the digital payments revolution. Instamojo gives people better ways to connect to their money and to each other, helping them access and move their money in a safer way, and offering a choice of how they would like to pay or be paid. Instamojo Payments is the easiest and most popular way to accept credit cards online.




Easy configuration.


Quick installation.


PCI compliant


A customer is redirected to the secure Instamojo website to complete the payment

Installation instructions


Download the plugin archive.


Go to admin area > Configuration > Local plugins.


Upload the plugin archive using the "Upload plugin or theme" plugin.


Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed plugin. And click on the "Install" button to install the plugin.


To Enable the plugin go to Configuration > Payment page, Edit / Enable the payment method
Please find more information about how to install plugin here.

dcpl 2022/7/10 上午3:42
This plugin doesn't support the current version - 4.50
When I am trying to install this plugin getting the following error tome  
This plugin doesn't support the current version - 4.50
Please help me with this
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We have all versions supported now 4.40, 4.50,4.60.
Hardik Gohil 2022/3/9 上午12:10
Brilliant product
Great plugin that works reliably. Easy to configure and the support from the team is always fantastic. Thanks
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Joe Steaphen 2022/3/8 上午12:10
Excellent Plugin
The plugin works really well, very simple quick installation.
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