Nop Help Desk (

Nop Help Desk (
5.0 4
With the Nop Help Desk plugin, the overwhelming everyday support is a breeze. Now customers can comfortably raise, track, and close tickets. And you can finally put your customer service in good order and take care of every single inquiry with ease!
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
创建于 十二月 19,2014
最后更新: 五月 10,2024

Help Desk

for nopcommerceview demo view ADMIN demo

The Nop Help Desk plugin for nopCommerce will help you provide a complete customer care service and make every day support easy. With this must have extension your customers will be able to comfortably raise, track and close tickets. Now you can put your customer service in good order and make sure that every single inquiry is taken care of.


1.Have a manage tickets page (visible only for staff), new ticket page (where you can raise a ticket) and my tickets page (where you can manage all tickets being raised).

2.Organize your Help Desk into as many departments as you need, e.g - support, sales, marketing, etc.

3.Specify the email account from which the emails from a certain department will be sent. Make a list of people/ employees who will be assigned to a certain department. Have a department limited per store.

4.Create as many attributes for your Help Desk as you need and specify whether an attribute to be required, to be seen only by staff users or to be filterable.

5.Add different values to a certain attribute and specify which value to be preselected.

6.You can search by subject, product, customer or customer property.

7.Choose a default selected status - open, closed, closed automatically, awaiting customer reply.

8.Set the response deadline in hours. Specify how many days after the last reply, the tickets will be closed automatically.

9.Choose to send an email on reply or on closing a ticket automatically.

10.Have a captcha enabled on the new ticket page.


The Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection includes 29 powerful plugins for just a fraction of their price. The collection offers the ultimate functionality for setting up a top rate eCommerce store.


  • Supported versions 3.50 - 4.70
  • Multi-store / Multi-vendor support
  • Responsive Design
  • Razor files are open to modifications
  • RTL (Right-To-Left) Support
  • Themeable
  • Free Trial
  • Easy to install and manage from the nopCommerce Admin panel
  • Styled for the Nop Dark Orange, Nop Clasic and Default Clean themes
  • 1 year of free support and upgrades since purchase date
CarpeDiem 2017/1/3 下午2:09
Great plugin
this is great plugin for any business. Plugin is very good, and after you guys added few options now is excellent! Thanks
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ChuckR 2016/9/2 上午9:35
Great HelpDesk App
I highly recommend this product. Its quick to setup, leverages users(customers) already in the database for staff assignment per department.  Great production tool.
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[email protected] 2015/1/22 上午5:24
Ease of contact
A great utility and easy to use. After deploying it I got reduced number of support calls. I am getting good customer adaptation with a number of tickets instead of calls. That is a great ease for me.
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Pavani.adada 2014/12/22 上午6:34
Excellent work by Nop-Templates Team
Another Excellent plugin by Nop-Templates.

I am searching for a freelancer who can develop this kind of plugin from last few months.

Previously i hired a developer for this plugin. but the developed plugin is not working well and it doesn't meet my requirement. Instead of investing money like on freelancers its better to use these kind of plugins.

First i tried a trail version of this plugin. really it is working awesome. Now i purchased.

This Nop-templates plugins are really awesome compared to others. Nop-Templates support is also remarkable.

I personally recommend Nop-Templates.
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