Nop Saral Ajax Lazy Loader

Nop Saral Ajax Lazy Loader
1.0 2
Lazy Loading on category page without pagination.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10
创建于 七月 08,2018
最后更新: 八月 28,2020

Nop Saral Ajax Lazy Loader

Plugin for nopCommerce

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Nop Saral Ajax Lazy Loader extension for nopCommerce.

Lazy Loading on category page without pagination.

Read full details

Release v4.01 [11 Dec 2019]


1 Supported for nopCommerce Versions : 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.10

2 One year of free support and upgrades since purchase date

3 Tested with all the major browsers.

4 Nop Saral Ajax Lazy Loader plugin allows for product grid/list data to load as the user scrolls down.

5 Show all category products on same page with out pagination.

6 Fully localizable

7 Easy to install

khalidporag 2019/8/8 上午4:01
It's never free
The plugin says it free, but when I added it to my cart it charged 1$ and want my pay-pal information. It's never free but they said the plugin is free, This is totally unfair.
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Hi khalidporag ,

Sorry for your understanding related to plugin price. Plugin price is free for all versions. But one month free support instillation, configuration and comparability etc. of plugin is one dollar only.
mohsenhajikarimian 2018/8/2 下午9:47
it's not free
nop v4.0
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It's free for nopCommerce version 3.80 to 4.10