Page Builder

Page Builder
The Page Builder with Drag and Drop is a versatile and powerful plugin designed to revolutionize the way you create content for your nopCommerce store.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
创建于 六月 27,2023
最后更新: 六月 05,2024
What is the Page Builder with Drag and Drop?

The Page Builder with Drag and Drop is a versatile and powerful plugin designed to revolutionize the way you create content for your nopCommerce store. With its intuitive interface and a wealth of features, the Page Builder enables store owners to effortlessly design and manage topics, blogs, full descriptions for categories and products, and message templates.

Elevate Your Content Creation

Drag-and-Drop Editor: The plugin's intuitive drag-and-drop editor allows you to easily add, arrange, and style elements on your pages. No coding knowledge is needed; simply drag elements onto your page and customize them to fit your design vision.

Rich Content Elements: Choose from a wide array of content elements including text, images, videos, buttons, forms, and more. Each element is fully customizable to match your branding and style.

Pre-built Templates: Get started quickly with a range of pre-built templates. These templates provide a foundation that you can build upon, saving you time and effort.

Dynamic Content: Incorporate dynamic content such as product listings, customer reviews, or recent blog posts, which updates automatically as new content is added to your store.

Customization & Responsiveness

Responsive Design: Ensure that your pages look stunning on all devices. The Page Builder allows you to optimize your content for different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for all visitors.

Custom CSS & Styling: For those who want finer control over the design, the plugin allows for custom CSS and styling. This enables you to create a truly unique look and feel for your store.

Integration with nopCommerce

Seamlessly integrate the Page Builder with your nopCommerce store. After installing the plugin and verifying the license, you can access the Page Builder’s settings within your nopCommerce dashboard. Easily create and manage content across your store, including topics, blogs, category descriptions, product descriptions, and message templates.

Enhancing Communication with Message Templates

Tailor your communication with customizable message templates. From transactional emails to marketing messages, create templates that align with your brand and communicate effectively with your audience.

Demo Version

A demo version of the Page Builder with Drag and Drop is available free of charge. This allows you to explore the various features and capabilities of the plugin and familiarize yourself with its interface and functionality.

About noptech

noptech is a rapidly growing startup, committed to delivering high-quality products and services in the e-commerce space. With over 20+ completed nopCommerce projects and 6+ years of experience, our team of skilled developers is dedicated to empowering our clients to achieve their e-commerce goals. Our motto is 'Yes, we can'. Partner with noptech for innovative solutions that drive results!